Leather Furniture Maintenance


Leather furniture is the most astonishing home as well as office furniture item because it enriches your room looks with an elegant appealing look. Leather is a sort of upholstery which grows and gets well with age but you need to maintain it properly. To well maintain leather furniture just like real leather beds, you need to follow some do and dons. Here, I have suggested some points that will elaborate you those dos and dons so that you may keep you investment well.

  • First of all you must avoid harmless cleaners because they are injurious to the age of leather furniture. In place of these harsh cleaners you may choose mild household cleaning items like soaps and dishwashers. Applying and rubbing these mild household cleaners gently will remove all the stains and dust particles. Saddle soaps are forbidden to be used over leather furniture; they are good for catcher’s mitt only.
  • Over use of soaps and detergents is crucially harmful to the leather furniture. No doubt casual leather furniture items, just like leather sofa beds, get stained and dirty too quickly but you cannot clean it with soap and detergent regularly. Leather items are not breathable like our skins so it cannot replace the oil mites that detergents washout. With the passage of time it will get dry and start tearing and cracking. You must apply oil after applying soaps because it will keep the furniture soft and fresh. Oil also repulses the stains and other dirt mites.
  • Extreme environments can harm the leather furniture just similar to our skins. If it is too cold or too hot, your leather furniture will start getting dry and crack. So you must not place your leather furniture in direct sunlight for more than 5 minutes. Keep in mind that your furniture setting and placement in rooms must be in such a way that your leather items stay away from conditioners and radiators. Kitchen must be far away.
  • If there are any sudden spills over your leather furniture, you must blot it quickly as soon as possible. Do not use hard rags and cloths for cleaning, instead use towels or tissue papers. If the spills are oily or greasy then sprinkle some baking powder or talcum powder over the affected area to absorb the spills. In these severe cases you may also use some leather cleaners from branded shops because they are guaranteed and work well.
  • For your brand new leather furniture, you must apply a layer of leather protector over it because it saves your leather items a very longer period of time. Better option is to hire a professional to apply the protector because they may apply it in a fine way. But if you want to do it yourself then you may purchase manuals for it. You may also apply protector over older items. Clean the item properly before applying protector. To clean it you may use damp cloth or vacuum cleaner on occasional basis.

These are some of the simple tips that may lead your leather furniture to a well refined shape and make it live longer.

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